We care, we learn, we grow

Wrap Around Care

Outwood Primary Breakfast Club operates every school day and opens its doors at 7.30am each morning.

Children cannot be accepted after 8.20am and we ask parents/carers to accompany any child after this time, on to the main playground and remain with them.

Food is served from 7.40am to 8.15am

Our breakfast club provides a healthy balanced and varied breakfast choice and at a very attractive price.breakfast club

We charge a small fee for the use of our breakfast club of £3.50 which includes childcare until the start of the school day, two breakfast items and a drink.  

The breakfast club is very popular and all age groups attend. We ask that you to bring your child to the main doors where you will be welcomed by a member of staff.

We also run a After School Club which is very popular with all ages. Every day after school there are a variety of fun activities for the children to enjoy along with snacks and drinks for a fee of £6 per session. 

We also run extra curricular after school clubs.

Please see our AFTER SCHOOL page on this website, or contact the school office on 0161 – 437 1715 for more information on current clubs that are running.

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