Outwood Primary School has to monitor attendance and lateness and pass on the information to the Local Authority. Punctuality is extremely important but we prefer children to arrive late rather than not at all. If you are late for school you will have to enter school by the main door and advise the office staff of the reason for lateness.
If a child is absent from school then a telephone call or written note is required. If a child is consistently absent you may be asked to provide a doctor’s note.
Where permission for an absence during term time is requested, due to exceptional circumstances, a letter must be sent to the Governing body explaining the reason for the request. Please request permission for leave at least 4 weeks before your intended absence.
Holidays in term time do not qualify as exceptional circumstances and cannot be authorised by the school. Absence taken without permission may be subject to an Education Penalty Notice.
Dental or Hospital Treatment
Please make dentist appointments outside of school hours. However if your child will be absent due to a visit to the doctor or dentist, please inform the school office in advance.
The Services for young people worker comes into school on a regular basis and monitors attendance. If she or school feels there is an issue with attendance you will be contacted.
Medical Needs
School is an inclusive community that is supportive to children with medical needs. We work closely with the Nursing Service and staff are trained to deal with a range of needs in partnership with parents. It is vital that all complex medical conditions are shared with the school before children start so that individual health plans can be put into place. We will not administer medicines in school unless they are prescribed by a doctor and are to be given four times a day. If this applies to your child, please contact the office where details will be taken and a consent form signed. Parents/Carers are welcome to come into school and administer medication themselves if required.
The welfare and safety of our children at Outwood is of paramount importance. We are aware of child protection issues and are obliged to follow the Authority guidelines if a situation occurs or a child is judged to be at risk.