Year 5 2024 - 2025
Miss Exley
Welcome to Year 5 page where you can find out about all the exciting things we’re doing…
If you have any concerns, questions or would like to speak to any member of staff, please feel free to catch us before school to arrange a suitable meeting time.
Year 5 Staff:
Teacher: Miss Exley
HLTA - Mrs Parker
HLTA - Miss Fitton
Recommended Reading for Year 5 -
General Reminders
Please return completed reading books on a Tuesday and a new book will be provided. The children have access to Reading Plus at home, and are expected to read at least 3 times a week.
Please remember to wear a full Outwood PE kit.
Water Bottles
It is very important that your child brings a water bottle into school so that they are kept hydrated throughout the school day. Please ensure that the water bottles are clearly labelled and contain only water. It is important that they take them home everyday to be refilled.
The children have chilli challenges to complete throughout the half term that can be found on this page and sent via dojo. The children can choose from a selection of activities that range from maths and englsih to art and DT. Please feel free to send photos of the children's work.
Online games to support learning! -This will help with times tables and other quick maths questions. - This will help you practice your fraction, decimals and percentage equivalents. - This will help with Reading and Comprehension - This is a variety of spelling and grammar games to support your learning in class. -This will help with times tables.
Many thanks,
Miss Exley