We care, we learn, we grow


Here at Outwood Primary we understand how important the world around us is. We also know we need to protect our planet for the future. 

We would love to see the Green Flag flying outside our school and are working hard to earn the flag. 

Meet our fantastic Eco councillors help maintain the school with brilliant work and keeping green! 


Our KS2 Eco Councillors took part in Stockport's 1st evert Climate Action Now Event online!  they were amazing!



As part of Eco role, we are helping support the local community. With a generous donation from Wilmslow Dean Rotary Club, Outwood has 200  purple crocus bulbs to plant. They are part of the purple4polio project - helping to raise awareness of polio. As you can see, our Eco Councillors are very happy and can't wait to  get planting!

6.11.20 - The eco councillors from our Y3/4 bubble went to plant some lovely flowers donated by Nixons Farm in the bedding pots on the High Street. They did a fantastic job!

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