Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Shorrock
Welcome to Year 4 page where you can find out about all the exciting things we’re doing…
Click here to see all the wonderful things we are doing in Year 4!
If you have any concerns, questions or would like to speak to any member of staff, please feel free to catch us before school to arrange a suitable meeting time.
Year 4 Staff:
Teacher: Miss Shorrock
HLTA: Miss Fitton
SEN LSA: Miss Osborne
General Reminders
PE is on a Thursday (lacrosse) and Friday, so the children must come into school wearing their PE kit. All children will need: Blue/black shorts, a white t-shirt and pumps or trainers. In colder weather they will need blue/black jogging bottoms and sweatshirt.
Water Bottles
It is very important that your child brings a water bottle into school so that they are kept hydrated throughout the school day. Please ensure that the water bottles are clearly labelled and contain only water. It is important that they take them home everyday to be refilled.
Homework can be found in the links below. Children should aim to collect atleast 10 chillies per half term. Children can submit homework via paper copies or you can always send me a picture on Class Dojo. The children will receive homework that supports their learning and extends their skills. Homework is a vital component so please encourage your child to complete their homework. If there are any issues or questions, please feel free to send me a dojo.
Children should be playing TTRockstars daily for at least 10 minutes. This will help to prepare them for their Mulltiplication Tables Check in June.
Recommended Reading for Year 4
Below are some links to websites for children to practise times tables online. The websites have a variety of times tables games.
More online games to support learning! - This will help practice your problem solving. - This will help you practice your fraction, decimals and percentage equivalents. - A fun football themed maths & English game - This is a variety of spelling and grammar games to support your learning in class. - This will help to learn your timestables