Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Larkin
Mrs Billings
Mrs Hardy
Welcome to our Nursery Class (FS1) at Outwood,
On this page, you will find some information about our provision, curriculum, staff, newsletters, homework and you will be able to find out some of the exciting things we are doing. Our Summer Term 2 topic is all about planting and growing and life cycles - How are we all treated?
Click here to see all the wonderful things we are doing in nursery!
Mrs Larkin (EYFS Lead)
Miss Wheeldon
Mrs Billings - (HLTA)
Mrs Hardy
Miss Lara, Miss Casey, Miss Shahzad, Mrs Spilman (1-1 support staff)
If you would like a chat, please arrange a meeting with your class teachers at a convenient time. We are here for you.
Our Provision
We have three classrooms in our provision where children enjoy a wide variety of learning opportunities.
Oak Tree Room - Nursery children’s point of drop off and collection, where children are registered and take part in the adult input of phonics, literacy, maths and topic. This room enhances and develops children’s learning and experience using sand, fine motor skills, water, playdough, role-play, small-world resources, books, cars and roads, trains and tracks, writing, colouring, number opportunities and much more.
Willow Tree Room - Reception children’s point of drop off and collection, where FS2 children are registered and take part in the adult input of phonics, literacy, maths and topic. This room has a variety of areas including maths, phonics, reading, writing, wooden construction bricks, workshop (model making and art work), music plus so much more.
Outdoor Classroom: Our outdoor classroom is used all year round. This large self-contained outdoor play area provides opportunities to experience learning in on a wider scale.
Our Curriculum
We use Development Matters to structure our curriculum. Please see document below.
The prime and specific areas of learning in EYFS are:
Prime Areas of Learning
PSED: Personal, Social & Emotional Development
CL: Communication & Language
PD: Physical Development
Specific Areas of Learning
LD: Literacy Development
MD: Mathematical Development
UW: Understanding of the World
EAD: Expressive Arts & Design
General Reminders
Water Bottles
Please send your child to nursery with a labelled water bottle. We can refill them if needed throughout the day, but will send them home every night to be washed.
We are lucky to have a sports coach to teach our nursery children on a Friday morning at 9.00-10am. They will take the children in small groups to support the children's physical development. We always provide opportuntities every day in our continuous provision for movement and physical games.
Coats and Wellies
Remember to check the weather to ensure your child is appropriately dressed for all weathers. If you can leave a labelled pair of wellies in the cloakroom - this will be brilliant!. We go outside in all weathers to learn and explore!
Please feel free to send us a message on Class Dojo or speak to us if you have any worries or concerns. We aim to work together in partnership with you to ensure your child is happy and making progress.
Important Websites for children's development and wellbeing
Please see attached in the files the EYFS Statutory Framework