Year 3
Date: 27th May 2022 @ 10:56am
Can you believe it is our last day before half term? It seems to have gone by so quickly!
I am so impressed with how much they have achieved over the last few weeks. They have really embraced the DEAL approach to learning and used the drama to explore geography and science. They have really begun to understnad the imporantace of rivers and the impact of humans have on the enviroment as well as natural disasters.
They have been studying the artist Georgia O'Keeffe and have been inspred by her paintings and learning new songs in music.
They are loving the book 'The Adventures of Hugo Cabret' that has inspired both adverts and playscripts!
In maths, the children have been learning time and also addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers.
Finally, we ae finishing today with a fabulous party to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee!
Have a lovely half term everyone and I'll see you in June for the last half term of Year 3!
Best wishes
Miss Exley