This week....
Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 2:25pm
Hi everyone,
I hope that you have had a good week. We have been busy assessing the children to see how much progress they have made since September. We have been impressed with the results and we will now use this information to make sure that we focus our teaching on the key areas needed and address any gaps in learning that still need to be closed due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Next week you will all be receiving a letter from Ofsted which will give you a brief overview of their remote visit. It was a really positive experience as we were able to share the hard work and dedication we have applied since September to make sure that school is as safe and successful as possible for our school community.
On Friday everyone is invited to come to school in a Christmas jumper and the children will be taking part in a Santa dash. This is for a very worthy cause as you can see below. All we ask is that everyone who participates brings £1 to school as a donation for the 'Save the Children' charity.
Thank you as always for your support.
Best wishes,
Mrs Maude