We care, we learn, we grow

A week of investigating!

Date: 24th Feb 2022 @ 4:12pm

Year 3 have had a great first week back!  

They have really represented our Acorn Values by giving 100% to all they have been learning!

They had two investigations this week. Firstly, in english, they had to investigate the engineers workshop. They had to try to discover just why the mysterios Duke wanted the engineer to build such a strange boat! Next, they began their start to their new science topic on Light with an adventure into the caves! They discovered about how we need light to see and that darkness is the absence of light. 

They have been doing amazing writing and continuing their challenging work on fractions! 

Our Anglo-Saxon topic contines too... learning all about Village life. 

FairTrade fortnight has begun and we looked at how to be global citizens :)

Great work Year 3!

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