We care, we learn, we grow

Year 3's fantastic week!

Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 12:36pm

Hi All!

Year 3 have been doing some amazing learning this week. In maths, we used the 'Base 10' equipment to help us understand place value - we were then able to move onto addition and subtraction too. 

In English we have been magpieing language to help us begin to write a character description of Oogo (The cave boy from our story) We loved learning new language and even magpied words from Charles Dickens!

Our topic work is going really well. We linked it with science to learn about tectonic plates and how they cause the earth to move. We used the tables as a canvas andcreate to maps to compare - our world today and how it looked in the Paleolitic era. We filled our maps with facts too so don't forget to have a look at the photos that show our amazing work!

Next week we will be continuing with our addition and subtraction, writing character descriptions, learning the NSPCC Pants rule (a green cross code to keeping ourselves safe), exploring different artistic skills and much more! 

Tune in again next week to hear all about our fabulous learning!

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